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We don't know whether this is going to become something like a political blog or a space to lay out our civil movement support strategy and communicate our philosopy on how we think our planet would become a better place for you and me to live in ... we'll see. For now we want you to know that if you're a customer of TUVOISOUPAS we will have a part of our revenues (coming from you) donated to non-violent protests & actions associated to the fight for civil rights, environmental issues and peace movements. If history has learned us anything it's that good change comes from civil disobediance and not from establishment politics. TUVOISOUPAS supports non-violent activism.

Why don't we just do it instead of telling you about it?

Our power does not lay in financial ressources. Our contribution to civil movements might be starting as an insignifficant financial backing. However, we believe that no matter how small our business is, we will have an impact on our environment by putting our name and, as our customer, your name behind a good cause.

We believe in the power of the consumer and are aware that with this power comes responsibility to become informed about the companies behind the products & brands you are buying. The purpose of this space is communicate who we are in order to help you feel comfortable as our customer.

There's a common perception that as a commercial company you should not engage in politics. We do not agree. In fact, we think companies should do less business with politicians behind closed doors and instead should be more transparent about their political standards on social and environmental issues. As we learn again and again many of the corporations that sell us their products invest our money in ways which are harmful towards a healty society and destructive towards the environment. We need to stop feeding that beast. At TUVOISOUPAS we choose to tell you what we're up to because we want you to have a choice where to put your money.

TUVOISOUPAS supports non-violent activism

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