No space left in creation_

The motivation to do this short film was manifold. Flirting with the myth that there is no death - and while everything seems to vanish over time, there's the believe that the soul in anything and everyone persists. With our project we have re-populated a totally deserted industrial area of our home town. What started in 1850 partly as a silk-dyeing factory turned into a pharmaceutical and chemical power cluster with a global reach and brought wealth and prosperity to the region of Basel and all of Switzerland. Our goal was to revive the early entrepreneurial and visionary spirit inherent in what has become a historic ghost town as the corporate actors have transformed, merged, split up and shifted overseas and have left vast production facilities deserted. No matter what we think of those industries nowadays - the spirit of innovation and creation we uphold and it's the soul of human endeavor we wanted to bring back to life ...and needless to say how cool it was as the first outside entity to get access to this historic site. Getting a cast motivated and organized to create something unique - fusing film and fashion as a way of telling a story about re-population, inspiration and creation felt like briefly visiting the soul of the spirit that once populated the place while bringing along a couple of friends and a camera. I think that pretty much represents TVOP - we define creation as an intuitive act of exchanging energy with the things and people around us.
It was the goal of the project to let the film thrive off the dynamics and energies of the location and the people surrounding it. All we will do now is to claim this film as a collaborative effort and present it to you, and allow you to take from it what you will, how you will.
So at long last, here we are. Over a year in the making: [No space left in Creation_] a short film by TVOP and Das Kollektiv.